Whats is Nopalina?

If you’re into natural products that are free from chemicals and lab-processed medications, as well as organic foods and physical activity, then you’ve probably heard of Nopalina.

Nopalina has gained popularity for being an excellent dietary supplement that effectively contributes to weight loss and as well as offering other health benefits such as improving circulation and regulating bowel movements.

But, what exactly is Nopalina?

Simple. It’s a formula invented by Dr. Hector Pablo Oliva (an allopathic doctor with specializations in acupuncture and natural herbs), composed of:

  • Canadian Linseed

Canada is the world’s leader in linseed production and export so it makes sense to use it as part of Nopalina’s unique recipe. It’s incredibly rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9 which are essential fatty acids and unsaturated healthy fats that are ridiculously good for you. It has also been known to prevent a number of medical problems such as depression, cardiovascular disease, brain dysfunction, asthma and arthritis.

  • Flaxseed

Also known simply as flax or linseed, it’s getting the reputation of being a superfood. They contain lignans (a group of nutrients which have powerful antioxidant and estrogen properties), a healthy amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

  • Nopal

A Mexican plant also known as Opuntia ficus-indica, it is shock full of vitamins as well as soluble/insoluble fibers that help keep your liver clean and is widely used in its native country as a treatment for diabetes. The dietary fiber and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity it contains make it one of Nopalina’s most active ingredients.

  • Wheat Bran

A great source of fiber that literally sweeps and eliminates impurities from your intestine. Wheat bran is loaded with fiber (which prevents constipation) and also helps reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar levels, help in weight loss and may reduce colon cancer.

  • Oat Bran

It boasts worldwide recognition for helping reduce and regulate blood cholesterol levels. Containing approximately 50% more fiber and soluble fiber than oatmeal, it is more effective at lowering cholesterol and helping digestion. Protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc are also part of its components.

  • Fruit Extracts

It boasts worldwide recognition for helping reduce and regulate blood cholesterol levels. Containing approximately 50% more fiber and soluble fiber than oatmeal, it is more effective at lowering cholesterol and helping digestion. Protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc are also part of its components.

  • Psyllium

This soluble fiber is commonly referred to as “the bowel sweeper” due to the profound and effective cleansing effects if has on your bowels. It has also proven to be beneficial to many parts of the human body, such as the heart and the pancreas.


Now, take all these super ingredients, ground them together and you’ve got Nopalina. Free of any synthetic ingredients, the blend of natural fibers, essential fatty acid sources and fruits make this the perfect complement for those who are always on the go!


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